Lithomex Stone Repair
A flawless stone repair carried out by our team of professionals. Stone repairs do not get any better than this.
A flawless stone repair carried out by our team of professionals. Stone repairs do not get any better than this.
Here we see a very tired old wall receiving some TLC. We replaced a large quantity of defective stone followed by a full repoint in lime mortar.
Here we see a broken window rybate we restored with lithomex repair mortar. The stone was “repaired” by amateurs in the past. Repair is complete awaiting pointing with lime mortar.
Incredible difference here. Our stonemasons had to rebuild and replace approx. 9 metres squared of defective or missing stone. Once this was done the wall was fully repointed with a beautiful, traditional lime mortar. The amount of compliments we got about this wall was incredible. We are very proud of the outcome.
This wall was hit by a digger whist constructing the service boxes we see in the background. Using the existing stone, our team carefully rebuilt the wall using lime mortars.