Stone Replacement in Midlothian
Midlothian Stonemasons will always try to save stonework by using Lithomex repair mortars, part indenting etc. We believe in conservation and originality and totally renewing a stone piece is something of a last resort.
However there are oftentimes no other option other than stone replacement. In cases where the stone is structural and has heavy erosion or perhaps the masonry has split in two, we will usually consider full replacement of individual stones.
Stone replacement differs from stone repair in that with the replacement option we are cutting out the stone in its entirety and replacing it with a new sandstone piece. With stone repair we are chiseling back the surface to sound stone then adding a stone coloured lime mortar “veneer” to the existing stone. On average only 10-15mm from the surface is removed in this process.
Our masons are skilled experts in cutting out and replacing any size or shape stone you can imagine including coping stones, window cills and lintols, mullions etc.
Replacing moulded decorative stone and carving is a particular area of expertise for us.
As well as carrying out the required stone replacement work, we can supply all required matching stone. Any size or quantity.
All stone supplied by us shall be as near a match in texture and colour to your existing stone as possible.